Volunteer@Brightspark’s ArtsCafe


Hello All,

How do you fancy coming up to the ArtsCafe at The Bradgate Mental Unit on a Thursday morning sometime between 9.30 and 12.00 and helping to pack toiletries packs for the wards?

If you do, come along and check us out.

At the same time you can;

–          Do some artwork.

–          Play some table tennis or pool.

–          Have a cup of tea or coffee + a healthy biscuit.

–          Socialise.

And if you’re really keen on the packing we can get you registered as a volunteer for expenses. Or, no pressure, come and go when you want.

How does that sound?

If you’re interested let me know.

This project is a partnership between LPT, Giving World, The Involvement Centre and BrightSparks, and is part of initiatives to improve patient experience at The Unit.


All the best


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